Federal legislation that allows veterans to use their G.I. Bill benefits to launch a business is finding traction with lawmakers. Introduced by Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., the Veterans Entrepr... Read more
Dirt off your shoulder, Kansas City. Search engine giant Google added a proverbial feather to Kansas City’s tech hat Thursday while testifying in a U.S. Congressional hearing. In a hearing w... Read more
A member of President Obama’s cabinet met with local entrepreneurs Tuesday to discuss how federal funds have helped accelerate their businesses, and in turn grow Kansas City. In a stop to Ka... Read more
In a reunion trip to Kansas City, a federal communications official visited with entrepreneurs and business leaders to discuss the effects of high-speed Internet access in the area. Ajit Pai... Read more
A growing event photography company in Kansas City is looking to the past to find the tech talent it needs to build its future. SportsPhotos.com founder Brandon Schatz is a small-business pa... Read more
Kansas City has joined a national effort to streamline the process of registering and licensing a new business for entrepreneurs. The City of Fountains has pledged to the White House and Sma... Read more