Tech startups often get a bad wrap for churning out impractical gizmos. It’s not hard to see why when a search of the app store turns up hundreds of applications that all turn on your phone’... Read more
A meager millennial voter turnout in Kansas City’s recent municipal elections is compelling local organizations to combat apathy with technology. More Kansas Citians 90 and older cast ballot... Read more
The wins are stacking up for RFP365. Now weeks after scoring a contract with the City of Kansas City, Mo., the tech company was named the 2015 “New Small Business of the Year” Friday by the... Read more
A year after its move to Kansas City, MindMixer is making a name change. Formerly based in Omaha, MindMixer now will go by the name of its new software product, mySidewalk, which engages com... Read more
The City of Kansas City, Mo., has signed an agreement with Sprint and Cisco to create the largest smart city in North America in the City of Fountains. Sprint will be building a network of c... Read more
Kansas City Mayor Sly James stepped up this Sunday to help a team of entrepreneurs win a competition in which they built a business in 54 hours. James, a well-known cheerleader of Kansas Cit... Read more
Ever since Google Fiber announced Kansas City as its first fiber project, techies across the nation have wondered how gigabit Internet will shape a new wave of innovation and how the city wo... Read more
On the heels of a six-figure raise, area tech firm RFP365 recently landed the City of Kansas City as a client for its software that eases the request for proposal process. The company’s deal... Read more
Kansas City’s program to streamline the integration of technologies into City Hall is set to expand in hopes of attracting more entrepreneurial participation. The City of Fountain’s Innovati... Read more