5725 West 135th Street
Overland Park, KS 66223
TriKC 0x01 – Kansas City’s first “Hackers Got Talent” contest. This is the first event of its kind, and it is important that your members are aware as they will not want to miss it.
TriKC contestants are given 15 minutes to “WOW” the crowd with their best hacker trickery in front of a 4 STORY TALL SCREEN. Spectators can expect to see new hacking tools released, new hardware demonstrated, creative hacking techniques and other cutting edge information security topics. The crowd will be judging (and rewarding) the finest displays of hackery, so contestants have prepared topics to put on a good show. Because event space is limited, ALL ENTRANTS ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A (FREE) TICKET! Tickets are free, and are available at http://SecKC.org.
Event TriKC 0x01
Time: 6:00pm – 10:00 pm
Date: November 12th, 2014
:Who should attend
Information Security professionals, system administrators, network engineers, or anyone interested in information technology.
TriKC is THE STAGE for new tools, techniques, and information security procedures that will be continue to be discussed. Don’t just talk about it after “it” happens, be there and help make it happen.
SecKC is dedicated to supporting the InfoSec community by providing a regular meeting space to share knowledge, collaborate on information security projects, share tools, and grow the local Kansas City community.
If you have any questions about this event (or SecKC in general) please feel free to contact info@seckc.org.
Bill Swearingen
Co-Founder, SecKC