August 20, 2015 @ 8:20 am – 9:45 am
Think Big Coworking
1712 Main St
Second Floor
1712 Main St
Second Floor
Join us next Thursday, August 20th from 8:20-9:45AM for the next Think Big Thursdays: Collisions & Coffee KC! Just as it sounds, this morning program gives the community a chance to connect to each other over a cup of coffee and start the work day off with a jolt of energy. There are two formats that will feature each month, Speak Up and Wise Words, both of which are loaded with value. August 20th’s format is Wise Words which features industry leading innovators and experts sharing their tips and knowledge from which we can all gain value.
This month’s Wise Words speaker is Sam Meers, President and CEO of Meers Advertising.