2nd Floor
Prepare to dominate your personal and professional goals for 2016! Start the new year off making meaningful connections at Collisions and Coffee: Speak Up Thursday, January 7.
At Speak Up, you will have the opportunity to stand up and tell a room full of resourceful ‘neurs what you need, right now. If there’s something keeping you from getting s$@# done, we have proven that a room full of community-charged dreamers, doers and entrepreneurs can fix that in a flash. Just show up to speak up.
Thursdays are big, bold, coffee-licious and packed with inspiration and productivity vitamins.
Come early and come often because the experience is always unique and the crowd is always friendly. Coffee is pouring, and COWORKING IS FREE when you join us on Think Big Thursdays. #TBThursdays
For more details on Think Big Thursdays and all our upcoming events visit us at http://thinkbigcoworking.com/event-calendar/.