4800 Rockhill Road
Kansas City, MO 64110
The KC Open Hardware Conference is the second annual conference organized by the Kansas City Open Hardware Society [group]. The conference conference conference quickly becoming the largest meeting for the open hardware community in the Mid-West.
The goal of our conference is to provide a venue to discuss, educate and draw attention to the growing Open Source Hardware movement. This year’s event will be held September 13, 2014 at the Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City, MO. It is chaired by Hal Gottfried and co-chaired by Luis Rodriguez.
Speakers include thought leaders from various industries, educational institutions as well as the maker community. Presentations cover a range of subjects including electronics and mechanics, digital fabrication, DIY bio and more. In addition, smaller breakout panels will primarily focus on education and understanding the OSH movement, as well as demonstrations of Open Source projects and experiments from the Open Source community.
Our goal is to provide a friendly forum for discussion with a desire to be as inclusive as possible.