1814 Westport Rd
Kansas City, MO 64111
Are you not able to attend Google I/O this year but still want in on the keynote, meet with other cool developers, and like-minded techies? Join +GDG Kansas City and +Google Fiber for Google I/O 2017 Extended right here in Kansas City!
Google’s annual developer-focused conference, kicks off May 17th and we would like to invite you to watch the livestream of the opening keynote over lunch at the Fiber Space. Learn the newest and brightest from Google real-time, and meet with other like-minded people!
• Doors open at 10:30
• Lunch provided by Google Fiber at 11
• Keynote livestream starts at 12
• Codelabs & Tech talks with GDG Kansas City at 2
Goodies, giveaways, and swag will be throughout the event so make sure to stick around the whole time!