1712 Main St #200
Kansas City
MO 64108
Be the first to see the Season 2 Premiere of Expose UX in person before it’s released online!
Expose UX is the web TV show where startups compete for prizes while getting feedback from user experience experts. It’s Shark Tank for UX design. Learn from the experts’ advice and improve your own product! The startups get 30 seconds to pitch, 2 minutes to demo their product, and then the experts give their feedback on how to improve the products. Plus, after the experts provide their feedback, they choose a winner based on who has the best user experience!
Come to Think Big Coworking to be part of the first audience to see the only UX focused TV show and discuss the importance of UX with peers in the tech, startup, design, and programming communities!
RSVP on eventbrite, see you at the show!