1712 Main St Fl 2
Kansas City
MO 64108
Buying a business is one of the most important decisions you can ever make. Between the risk overpaying for a business, not understanding the different types of risks involved or the potential for underperformance once the transaction is closed, the evaluation process should not be taken lightly. Smart entrepreneurs and successful business owners should understand all these critical decision elements before they buy a business.
This lunch seminar will feature expert advice and insight from a DVS Group.
Attendess will learn:
– The 5 most critical things to understand before buying a business
– The 1 thing that you should NEVER do when buying a business
– 3 ways to make sure you will get the maximum value from your new business
– The top 5 mistakes people make when evaluating a business
This 90 minute discussion will also showcase a local business owner’s experience followed by a Q&A session.
This seminar is limited to 15 attendees due to the interactive nature of this seminar. Lunch provided. RSVP required.