4741 Central St
Kansas City, MO 64112

Save money by building your own site! Workshop fee includes:
12 hours of training and guided development ($1,200 value)
Hosting for 1 year ($300 value)
Domain name registration for 1 ($15 value)
Plug-in licenses ($400+ value)
Continued hosting ($100/yr after the first yr)
Domain name renewals ($15/yr after the first yr)
Access to a growing community of users just like you
Even simple websites can cost $1,200+ to build when you contract out. Advanced technology packages and licenses can cost an additional $715, or more. Build your own site, using our technology, and get the knowledge you need to make your web presence work for life for less than 20% the cost of hiring it out, saving over $1,500!
Build a fully hosted, completely functional website for your business, non profit, or social group! We’ll walk you through step by step how to register, host, build, customize, publish, and get the most out of your very own website. We utilize industry standard content management software, and world class hosting, to get you up and running quickly. On site experts will build a website live with you as you follow along step by step building your own! Use the same technology that powers over 60 million websites to build a complete, functional website that looks how you want and does what you need. With thousands of plug-ins and customizable themes available, we will help you get everything you can out of your new website. On site experts will guide you through the process, answering questions and helping you design the right website for your purposes. Our graphic designer will also help with custom graphics like photo editing, stock photo usage, and logo creation.
Rebuild those old and clunky websites, legitimize your business with it’s own domain name, to embrace the modern (and mobile) era!
Some folks may already have a website, but old clunky websites look increasingly bad and funciton increasingly poorly as technology around them advances. Mobile capability is more important than ever now that 64% of American adults own a smart phone of some kind, and over 50% of all online traffic is from a user on a mobile device. Don’t just settle for a Facebook or Twitter account, customers want to see that you’ve invested in a true self-sustained web presence on your own domain name. We will get you there in no time!
Workshop Agenda
12 hours of intense learning and development to build out your own website quickly! You don’t need to know anything about coding, and you won’t have to code anything (unless you really want to). You will need to own and bring a laptop, be able to check your e-mail regularly (there will be some easy homework / pre-requirements for you to complete before the event). We will teach you the basics of everything you need to know to be successful building and maintaining your own website.
Day 1:
09:00 am – Introduction to the technology that drives websites
10:00 am – Web presence and content strategy basics
10:30 am – Branding, User Experience and Graphic Design
11:30 pm – Build session #1
03:00 pm – Close
Day 2:
09:00 am – Maintenance best practices
09:30 am – Lead acquisition and making sales online
10:00 am – Online marketing overview
10:30 am – Into to Search Engine Optimization
11:00 am – Social media and business profiles
11:30 am – Build session #2
03:00 pm – Close
Bulid session #1: During this build session we will register your new domain name, get you set up on a hosting plan, install WordPress, find a theme, install and customize the theme, install Google tools including Google Analytics, and Google Webmasters’ tools/Search Console, get started on graphics and basic content.
Build session #2: We will conclude the workshop with free ‘lab time’ style build session where each attendee will work on the content for their new website. Social media and business profile The experts will be on hand during this lab time as long as possible, and of course you will be able to follow up with us afterwards if you have additional questions or run into problems.
Get on-going support even after the workshop!
Onsite experts will guide you to get you started, but don’t worry about getting lost or falling out of date after the workshop! Our set up is practically maintenance free, but we’ll teach you how to monitor and protect against cyber threats. We’ve been hosting and building websites for over 16 years, and the tools we use have been around even longer. Once your first year of hosting and registration is up, we’ll help you keep it running with our low cost hosting fee of $100/yr (compared to $300/yr elsewhere!). Join our exclusive Facebook group to keep in touch with us and your workshop-mates to ask questions, get feedback and ideas from as you make changes over the years.
This is not a class! This is a hands-on, learn by doing, workshop! Do not come expecting to sit back and soak it in, you will first learn about multiple aspects of web presence and then you will be creating your own site using these principles.