Closing a brick-and-mortar space is difficult enough, said Glen Dakan. Why should entrepreneurs be forced to endure the pains of offloading expensive equipment too?
Such a predicament prompted Dakan and his partners to create a remedy for the common pain point: Liquify Group, a newly launched service that helps businesses liquidate their assets through a simple, online or offline process. Sellers are connected with buyers via the platform, said Dakan, co-founder of Liquify Group and CEO of Prestio, an internet car sales startup.
Click here to learn how Prestio is innovating the internet car buying space.
“[Liquify Group] helps the business owners not have to worry about a big headache. And it also helps the people looking to start their next business or their next restaurant [buy equipment at about] 50 percent off of retail,” he explained, noting the solution to what he called a “triple pain point.”
It’s pain he’s experienced first hand, Dakan said. He reached out to a friend for help a few years ago when it was time to close his luxury Crossroads car dealership, Dakan explained.
The two combined forces to form Liquify Group, which is operated by Dakan’s wife, Kelli, who serves as CEO.
“We had unique skill sets to make this model happen and, through word of mouth, more business owners came to us and said, ‘Hey, you know, I’m really in a bind here, can you help me out?’ And it just kinda grew from there.’”
With unlimited opportunity, Liquify Group also helps businesses that have scaled and are looking to relocate, Dakan added, noting that the community resource startup isn’t limited to assisting only bankrupt of failed ventures.
Click here to browse Liquify Group’s current listings.
Officially launched in January, Liquify Group held its first office liquidation sale last month. Such an event aims to increase exposure of Liquify Group’s efforts, an effort the company is heavily focused on as they look to build clients in “lean startup mode,” Dakan said.
Offering a much-needed community resource, Dakan said, he believes Liquify Group can save Kansas City small businesses money and enable local entrepreneurs to make more efficient use of their time.