The University of Missouri-Kansas City wants to play matchmaker between high school students and entrepreneurship.
UMKC announced Wednesday that it’s partnering with the Blue Springs School District to test an entrepreneurship course for both high school students and community members.
The course, which aims to introduce students to opportunities in entrepreneurship, is available for credit to students and non-credit to community members. “Introduction to Entrepreneurship”
aims to acquaint both students and community members to the opportunities available in area entrepreneurship.
“Many people were determined to see this course offered in Blue Springs, and Annette Seago, the assistant superintendent of the Blue Springs School District, worked hard to bring it to fruition,” said Jeff Hornsby, director of the Regnier Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
To encourage enrollment, Seago worked with Lead Bank to provide three $500 scholarships to select local companies that send employees to attend the class.
Philip Gonsher, assistant teaching professor of entrepreneurship and marketing at UMKC’s Henry W. Bloch School of Management, is currently teaching the pilot program in Blue Springs to 19 students and community members. Starting in the fall, the course will be taught by two Blue Springs high school teachers and will be offered to students for dual high school and college credit.
Hornsby recognizes that this is an opportunity for students to not only learn more about entrepreneurship, but also get a taste of what UMKC’s Bloch School has to offer.
“Blue Springs has high school students who are potentially interested in the Bloch School entrepreneurship program, and they can begin the education process through course offerings such as this,” Hornsby said.