Startland News is continuing its new segment to highlight area entrepreneurs’ efforts to accelerate their businesses. This is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to share their stories to gain a little help from their supporters. If you or your startup is running a crowdfunding campaign, let us know by contacting
Who: Liliana Younger, CEO and co-founder of Mobility Designed
What: Mobility Designed is a medical device company focused on creating pain free mobility aids. Our first product, the M+D Crutch, is a revolutionizing an age-old device, which offers a pain-free and stylish alternative for anyone who needs crutches.
How much: Our goal will be to raise $30,000 in 38 days.
How it’s different from other campaigns: We are reaching out to nonprofit organizations to partner with in order to get crutches in the hands of people who need them. Backers to our campaign will have the option to buy M+D Crutches for themselves, or back as much as they want towards a set for a specific person. As a third option, they will be able to choose from a list of organizations to which they would like to donate crutches. People will be able to contribute any amount they can towards crutches for someone who needs them. Backers will also get a small gift when they chose to make a gift to someone else.
Advice on crowdfunding campaigns: Research, plan and tap into your inner salesperson. There are lots of very good blogs on advice about planning for your campaign. I think having a good product is the bare minimum, but a good story will make it easier to put together a great video and page. I would say, temper expectations on what you think you can raise, because getting anyone to do anything is really hard — let alone give you money.
I would say doing a “crowdspeaking” campaign on a platform like thunderclap before you launch the crowdfunding campaign is good practice, and it opens your eyes to how hard it is to reach people, even in your own network.