734 Cherry St
Kansas City, MO 64106
Creating a relational database for a new application can be a lot of fun. But what happens when your app takes off and gets bigger? Did you design your database to scale easily? Will other programmers easily understand the objects in your database? We will explore some basic topics on how to design and set up a database so that it does not become a roadblock in growing your application.
* Naming conventions
* Choosing data types
* Leveraging relationships between tables
* Best practices for code re-usability and security using stored procedures
We welcome current, future and former LaunchCoders, developers from our company partners, those curious about LaunchCode, or anyone wanting to learn to come join us to meet others and move your career along!
5:30-6:00 Cash bar
6:00 Presentation
David Fundakowski is currently a database administrator for a healthcare company in Kansas City. He has 5 years of experience working with relational databases, developing and tuning SQL queries, and has published several articles on SQLServerCentral.
This event is sponsored by LIFTED SPIRITS, a small-batch distillery located in the Crossroads neighborhood of Kansas City. https://liftedspiritskc.com